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Use PayPal to safely and conveniently donate to Noté Karacel. Make donations to our general fund, specify a project or sponsor the education of a girl to attend school for a year.
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Note: You will be directed to PayPal Payments page. Please specify your donation amount at the left hand side of the checkout page.
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100% of our fundraising efforts goes to funding Noté Karacel projects, including a small percentage used for administrative costs such as maintaining our tax-exempt status, web site hosting, online donation transaction fees, and money transfers to Uganda. Everyone supporting and administering Noté Karacel in the U.S. is doing so strictly on a volunteer basis. Noté Karacel has no paid staff.
If you prefer to donate by check instead of online, please make your checks payable to Noté Karacel, and mail to:
Noté Karacel
c/o Tish Ajame
212 Timberline Ridge Ct
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Please send Trish an e-mail alerting her to your coming donation:
Click Here
We cannot thank you enough for your support of Noté Karacel! May the generosity you share with the people of Alenga come back to you many times over!
Noté Karacel is an official tax exempt, 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.