Join Walk for Wells Walk-A-Thon Razoo Fundraising Team
These page is designed to help you understand the process for joining the Walk-A-Thon fundraising team. We use a crowd sourcing website called Razoo. By joining our Walk-A-Thon team, you have access to many tools to find donors for our Walk for Wells Walk-A-Thon event. Please follow the instructions below to join the team.
- Click here to go to team page.
- Click the green FUNDRAISE button in the Join This Team box on the right side of page.
- In the Fundraiser name field enter Your Name + Walk For Hope 2016 Fundraiser
Example: Jane Doe’s Walk For Hope 2016 Fundraiser
Note: A fundraiser refers a specific event you are soliciting money for on behalf of Note Karacel. You personally are not a fundraiser in Razoo terms. - Click the green START FUNDRAISING button
- If you already have a Razoo Account, enter your e-mail and password.
- If you do not have a Razoo Account
- Click the green SIGN UP NOW button to create an account
- Fill in personal information
- Personalize your fundraising page to give people a reason to donate.
- Add additional information about the fundraiser including a summary and your story of why this is important to you
- Set the goal how much money you’re trying to raise with this event
- Add suggested donation amounts
- Add images associated with the fundraiser if you have any
- Add a custom Thank You to those who donate to your fundraiser
- Use the Share link for ways to tell your family and friends your Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser.
- Click here for more information about Razoo’s Fundraiser Teams